
We're dreaming--you're coming along for the ride.

Observing, originally uploaded by Tipping Point Photo//Liz.

Yes, we're still here! :o) We've had a mighty busy 2010, between two work trips and one very large trip abroad to New Zealand, all before the end of February!

Our time away has given us plenty of headroom to think about our photography, and where we're headed. We entered the new year feeling that there was some excitement in the year.

The good news: We're heading for the stars! And we're taking you with us. That's right, we're ramping up just about everything about our business, without losing all the creativity and the amazing client experience you've come to expect from Tipping Point. This starts with a more informative website, which will be getting a small facelift in the coming months.

The bad news: Well, no bad news, really. Maybe it's bad that we've been away from blogging for a bit, and you've found yourself longing for some inspirational images. You can always check our Flickr photostream for pics if you just can't wait for our favorites to pop up here.

Thanks for bearing with us while we continue exploring our next destination!

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