
Communing with the power of the image

Bread, originally uploaded by Tipping Point Photo//Liz.

The expansion of a business is always thrilling, but in this case it's especially wonderful because more business for us means more occasions where, for a few hours, our craft becomes intimately intertwined with the lives of others. As our client list continues to grow, we are adding some wonderful people to our lives, and some amazing images to our collections. The photographs most special to us after the events or sessions are over are those that retain their significance in life's big picture, and surpass their status as simple memories of that day.

On this particular September day, as I was nestled in a rear pew of the church while wedding attendees filed through the communion line, I watched closely as the bride and groom broke bread and shared it with their guests, patiently, quietly, thankfully. I keep coming back to this image on a weekly, sometimes daily basis, with all of this in mind, and it serves as a frequent reminder of the power of sharing, and all of the good that comes of it. A simple image, but powerful. Powerful in a way that I believe has the ability to catalyze important social change.

What do you see and feel when you look at this image? Do those feelings empower you to make a change, or do they affirm your way of being?

See the entire set from this amazing wedding.

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